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  • aberkley25

Unwaverving Joy: Week One!!

Updated: May 15, 2019

If you haven't gotten a chance to watch the first video yet, don't fret! You still have time. This study is meant to increase your joy, not your burdens. Please interact as little or as much as you want! Here, I will share some of the highlights for me, and how God is speaking to my heart.

What hit me the hardest, this week, was when Stasi shared the first evil that came out of creation....loneliness. Even though the man was surrounded by untouched nature and had a relationship with God, his need for like companionship left a void in his life. We know that our God exists in triunity with the Son and the Holy Spirit. Being creatures made in His likeness, it only stands to reason, that we too would desire fellowship-even ache for it.

Recently, we celebrated the holy day, Good Friday. Many of us honored this day, by digging into the Scriptures and reading the account of Jesus' crucifixion. In Matthew's gospel, we see Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane with three dear friends. He asks them to keep watch and pray with Him. But, three times He finds them sleeping. Next, He is arrested, and the disciples scatter. Even zealous Peter disowns Him. Jesus understands what it is like to be abandoned, to feel like an outsider and an alien. He knows how we feel when no one seems to get us, or is willing to stick by our side during the un-fun times.

Once on the cross, Jesus cries out, "Eli, Eli, lema sabachthani?" (which means My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?). Here Jesus begins to experience hell. Because He has taken on all our sins, He cannot be in the presence of a sinless God. Jesus is utterly alone. ....But Sunday is a comin'! :) Through the Resurrection, Jesus defeats separation once and for all.

What Jesus accomplished is too awesome to fully comprehend. Not only did He die so that we would NEVER be utterly alone again, He also gave us the Holy Spirit, Who is described as, "an Advocate to help you and be with you forever." And finally, He gifts us with a promise: "I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you." Hallelujah!!!

I hope that like me, the realization that as Christians we are never rejected, abandoned, disowned or outcast...fills you with boundless joy. "Always be joyful, because YOU BELONG TO THE LORD." Php 4:4

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